Self Care Tips for the Holidays by Caroline M., Larimer County Direct Service Intern

The holiday season is coming in full swing. People are putting up holiday decorations, planning trips to see family, and gearing up for holiday activities. While the holiday season can be full of joy and excitement, and getting to spend time with loved ones, it is also important to take time for self-care. I think it is often easy to get swept up in all the activities and busyness of the season. Self-care can ground us when we begin to feel overwhelmed, it can connect us back to feeling like ourselves, and it is so beneficial to our overall health. Self-care is one of the best things you can do for yourself. As we go into the holiday season, we wanted to share some self-care tips for when it may begin to feel overwhelming or like you need a break. Here are some different ideas:

  • Yoga- Yoga can be a very relaxing activity to help someone connect to their body and mindset. Many different places offer yoga sessions. It can be a gym or a yoga studio. Yoga classes can also be done in the comfort of your home, as many resources are available online through platforms like YouTube, different podcasts, or a livestream. Yoga’s techniques can help with physical aspects as well as mental ones, since it places emphasis on being intentional through meditation and breathing techniques. The physical part is beneficial too, as exercise has been proven to be good for a person’s mental health.
  • Write in a journal- Writing in a journal is a great way to release different feelings and events throughout the day. It can help clarify thoughts and reduce stress. Getting thoughts and feelings out of one’s head and onto a page has often proved to be very beneficial for mental health. Journaling is something that you can do to wind down from your day. It can be done before going to bed, after a busy day full of events and feelings. Journals are often inexpensive and can be found at places like Target, Wal-Mart, the DollarTree, or Michaels. Journaling is a great way to process through emotions and events of the day.
  • Read a book- Reading a book can often take you into another world and take your mind off of things that may be causing stress or anxiety. It can be really beneficial to find a book that pulls you in and helps you relax. Once you find a book that you enjoy, it is also a good idea to find a spot to read the book. Whether it’s a coffee shop, favorite spot in your home, at a park, or in your bed; finding somewhere you are comfortable and relaxed will make the experience more enjoyable. Bringing a book along to holiday events can be beneficial as well. If the event begins to feel overwhelming, you can find a spot to read and relax. Books are easy to transport and can be easily packed, so if you find a good book, we encourage you to bring it with you wherever you go!
  • Watch your favorite movie or TV show-There can often be comfort in a movie or TV show that you know and love. If your anxiety is feeling high, it can be comforting to watch something that you already know the details of with an ending you know. You can use streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or HBO Max. You can also bring a DVD of the movie or TV show to watch wherever you may be on the day of the holiday.
  • Go for a walk or run- Living in Colorado means the weather will be cold soon and snow is likely going to accompany the cold. You can still go out and enjoy nature! Bundle up, grab a hot coffee or hot chocolate and go enjoy the cool weather. Getting outside can be refreshing and getting your body moving can be great for mental and physical health. If a walk in the cold doesn’t sound ideal-go for a drive! If you go at night, you can see Christmas lights and listen to holiday music while you drive around.
  • Use a creative outlet- Drawing, painting, crafts, decorating, baking, cooking, or anything that helps fuel your creativity is a great outlet for stress that may come with the holidays. Coloring pages can be easily printed from an online source, or you can get supplies at the Dollar Store or places like Hobby Lobby and Michaels. Having something creative to do can help reduce any anxiety, help with self-expression, and can bring us joy when the final product is completed.
  • Put together a self-care kit- A self-care kit can consist of things like a candle, face mask, coloring book, journal, candies, bath bomb, or anything else to help you relax. You can utilize this self-care kit when you feel overwhelmed or stressed during the holiday season. If a day feels particularly overwhelming, grab your self-care kit and do one or two of the activities you put in there. This can be something you create and then put in a safe space for when you need it. It’s a good way to show love to your future self.

Self-care is so important to a person’s well-being. As the holiday season approaches, remember to take time for yourself. Show yourself the love and care you deserve! If a day or event feels particularly overwhelming, we encourage you to recognize and validate those feelings. It is okay to feel like something may be too much or you need a break. The holiday season can be full of joy, but it can also bring up negative feelings. That is okay! The important thing is to have grace for yourself and do what you need to do to feel better.

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