Sexual Assault Victim Advocate
About SAVA
Our History
SAVA began as a rape crisis hotline in 1976 under the Larimer Center for Mental Health and, in 2003, became an independent nonprofit agency. In October 2010, SAVA expanded its services to include neighboring Weld County. SAVA now serves as the only rape crisis center in Larimer and Weld Counties dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of sexual assault survivors.
Each year, SAVA provides confidential support to over 1,200 victims of sexual assault and provides education to over 1,000 community members and 9,000 students. SAVA is a member of Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), the Colorado Organization of Victim’s Assistance (COVA), and the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA).
Our Mission:
The Sexual Assault Victim Advocate (SAVA) Center’s mission is to provide crisis intervention, advocacy and counseling for all those affected by sexual violence and provide prevention programs through community outreach and education.
Our Vision:
We envision a culture change that results in the end of sexual violence.
Core Values
☑ Listen.
It’s our job as advocates for survivors to listen to their stories and understand survivors.
☑ Believe.
At SAVA we start by believing. No one deserves to be assaulted and we believe every survivor, every story, every time.
☑ Support.
All of SAVA services are designed to support survivors. By listening to survivors we are able to find the best way to support them and get them the resources they need to find healing.
Our Promise
The SAVA Center is dedicated to ensuring that both internal operations and service delivery are administered on a non-discriminatory basis. It is our policy to maintain a non-discriminatory environment, free from intimidation, harassment, or bias based upon gender, sexual orientation, age, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, class, or disability.