Get involved - Make a difference!
Ready to get started?
Please take a look at our available opportunities, download and fill out an application, and either email it to volunteer@savacenter.org or drop it off in one of our offices!
Feel free to reach out with any questions. One of our volunteer coordinators would be happy to chat more!
Volunteer Requirements:
Hotline and SART Mentor volunteers must be 18+
SuperWorld volunteers must be 16+
Opportunities are available in Larimer AND Weld counties
We're always looking for bilingual volunteers!
No prior experience necessary - We provide the training!
All volunteers must complete:
a volunteer application
an interview
a background check
Volunteer of the Season
Please join us on recognizing Sadie as our Volunteer of the Autumn Season for 2024!
Sadie is not only a volunteer on the hotline but amidst the chaos of hotline training, she was also a SuperWorld mentor all summer. She helped with the largest SuperWorld group between the two service areas with participants mostly on the younger end (5-8), and she did great! Sadie was an incredible help to the prevention team and went above and beyond to make connections with the kids this summer. We could not think of someone more deserving to be recognized as volunteer of the season!
If I did not have to sleep, I probably would spend the extra time on self care and relaxing activities. With how hectic life can be, it is definitely hard to make space for those things sometimes! So even just simply taking a long bath and getting on the couch with my dogs and kitten for a good movie or TV series would make me so happy! But I gotta say, I do love my sleep.
The best thing about Spring is its freshness. The greenness of the earth, all of the baby animals, and my favorite is hearing the bird songs kick back up, and of course the rainstorms! There is nothing better than a good spring thunder or rainstorm, and how the earth comes alive after.
The small things that always make my day better (…arguably sometimes worse too, hahaha) are my animals. Every day when I come home, or even if I go outside without them for a few minutes, I have the best greeting committee walking in the door. Two good dogs and the world’s friendliest kitten are always so thrilled to see me! And of course, seeing my horses.
As for what is currently on my playlist… that’s a broad one! I have really been into Alice in Chains recently; I really like their song Sludge Factory. But I also have a pretty big obsession with Cigarettes After Sex, their song Stop Waiting is super good.
Fun Facts About Our Volunteer
What do you enjoy most about volunteering at SAVA?
“What I have enjoyed most about volunteering with SAVA is any opportunity to listen in on and join advocacy in the jails and within the criminal justice system. It is very interesting to get an inside look on how things function within the legal system, especially when related to sexual assault and violence. I also absolutely love the environment in the office and all of the wonderful people I am able to spend my time with.” - 2023 volunteer
Types of Volunteers We Need
Hotline Advocate
Volunteers complete a 40-hour training to answer calls on our 24-hour rape crisis hotline and respond in person at the hospital to support survivors and provide appropriate referrals. Advocates are required to pass a background check, take three shifts per month, attend quarterly advocate meetings, and commit at least one year to the program. Hotline volunteers can also help staff booths at community events and assist in other outreach efforts. An application, interview, and background check must be completed.
Booth Advocate/Special Events
A Booth/Special events advocate completes up to 10 hours of training to represent SAVA in the community at booths and special events. Duties include anything from setting up/tearing down events, putting together and distributing SAVA materials, attending special events during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, engaging with community members and more! An application, interview, and background check must be completed.
Email volunteer@savacenter.org to sign up!
Bilingual Advocate
Bilingual Advocates provide support and outreach to people in the Latinx communities in Larimer and Weld Counties. They provide advocacy and crisis intervention for monolingual Spanish-speakers who have been impacted by sexual assault while also connecting them with appropriate resources. Bilingual Advocates also have the opportunity to help the Bilingual Victim Services Coordinators in preparing and completing presentations and workshops as well as running Spanish-speaking groups and translating any needed materials. Because the Latinx and Spanish-speaking communities are highly underserved, we need bilingual advocates to help us reach those who need our services and decrease the barriers they face when seeking services. An application, interview, and background check must be completed.
SuperWorld Volunteer
During the summer months, our prevention team facilitates groups with 8 to 12-year-olds in an empowerment program that focuses on healthy living. Volunteers act as mentors to help facilitate activities and group discussions around healthy body image, setting and respecting boundaries, and consent through age appropriate curriculum. The program concludes with a field day that brings together all SuperWorld groups, mentors, and staff.
If you’re interested in becoming a SuperWorld Mentor, email hope@savacenter.org. An application, interview, and background check must be completed.
SART Mentor
During the school year, the SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) program in high schools trains juniors and seniors to present to freshmen and sophomores as well as middle school students about how to prevent sexual violence in their schools and communities. Adult mentors attend the presentations to assist with questions that arise, address any disclosures, and support students who may experience triggers during the presentation. An application, interview, and background check must be completed.
Internships are available for undergraduate and graduate students. An application, interview, and background check must be completed.