Prevention Education
SAVA’s Prevention Education programming reaches thousands of youth every year in Larimer and Weld Counties.
The Need for Youth Sexual Violence Prevention
Research shows that children and teens are significantly impacted by sexual violence as victims, perpetrators, and bystanders.
Approximately half of all high school students report experiencing sexual harassment in school, and one third of these students said it was so severe that they did not want to go to school as a result of it. [1]
Teens between the ages of 14 and 17 experience the highest rates of sexual assault compared to all other age groups.
Although many people think of college students as the most at risk for experiencing sexual assault, this does not appear to be the case in Colorado. A 2019 report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics showed that the majority (55%) of sexual assaults in Colorado were against youth victims ages 17 or younger, even though they make up a smaller portion of the population. Teens between the ages of 14 and 17 experienced the highest rates of sexual assault compared to all other age groups. [2] On top that, nearly ¼ of sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone under the age of 21, with 15% of perpetrators under the age of 17. [3]
At SAVA, we understand that the people most at risk of experiencing and perpetrating violence must be equipped with knowledge, tools, and resources to prevent it and get help if they need it. However, students tell us they are not often learning about sexual violence, consent, and healthy relationships at home. While they might learn about some topics online or in a health lesson, it may not be sufficient to debunk deeply held societal myths and break down problematic norms that lead to sexual violence. It also may not adequately equip students with tools and skills to speak up and help others.
Young people need accurate, relevant, research-informed, and developmentally appropriate education about sexual violence with supportive adults and peers. This is exactly what SAVA’s prevention programs provide to our community.
“I feel like these presentations are very important and can help me make a difference in our community.”
Our Approach
The vision and mission of SAVA’s prevention programs is to provide education to Northern Colorado’s youth that will empower them to challenge our current cultural attitudes and beliefs, resulting in the end of sexual violence.
The SAVA Center prevention programs utilizes the STOP SV strategies outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as our guiding principles. Our goal is to change personal attitudes and beliefs, teach skills that prevent sexual violence, and create protective and supportive environments for youth and victims which will begin to create a culture that no longer tolerates sexual violence.
Our programs aim to:
Address the root causes of sexual violence by breaking down systemic power imbalances and examining problematic cultural norms and stereotypes
Promote healthy relationships that include increased self-esteem and self-efficacy, effective communication skills and interpersonal boundary setting
Empower youth to identify unhealthy relationship behaviors and patterns
Increase social activism and leadership skills among youth of all genders, illustrating how everyone can make a difference in changing our culture
SAVA’s Prevention Education Programs include:
SuperWorld - An active, outdoor summer program empowering youth ages 8-12 to develop necessary life skills for healthy bodies, relationships, and self-esteem.
Speak Up! - Prevention education program for middle school youth that fosters the skills and tools needed to speak up and help others.
SART Peers - Peer education program in which high school student leaders educate their peers on how to prevent sexual violence.
SOAR - Educational curricula designed to educate and empower youth and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Trained Prevention educators provide information and tools for preventing and responding to sexual violence to youth or youth-serving staff member.
Contact us for more information.
Prevention Education Amazon Wishlist
SAVA’s prevention team is always in need of materials and supplies to support our vital prevention education programs for youth. We need your support in maintaining high quality materials – check out Prevention Amazon Wish List.
Are you interested in SAVA's prevention programs?
Contact Our Prevention Director Below!
[1] AAUW Educational Foundation (2011). Crossing the line: Sexual harassment at school. https://ww3.aauw.org/research/crossing-the-line/
[2] Martin, Kimberly H., “Sexual Assaults Recorded by Law Enforcement, 2019,” July 30, 2021, bjs.ojp.gov: https://bjs.ojp.gov/nibrs/reports/sarble/sarble19
[3] Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010 (2013)